Get a full bank account without ever walking into any bank branch again. You can fund your account, make transfers, save, pay bills and buy airtime/data from anywhere you are.
Account Opening
Opening a TNN account can be done wherever you are and whenever you want. Simply select an account type and fill in your personal details. It’s easy peasy!
Save Money
Saving your money just got better with our various savings product, you can save for different purposes using either our Esusu Savings or Target Savings. Start saving immediately for all your needs and goals.
Fund Account
Send money and make direct deposits to other bank accounts. With your TNN account, you enjoy secure transactions with just one click.
Enjoy credible, convenient and quick transfers. You can make transfers to Third Parties seemlessly and in no time. Start making your transfers!
Bill Payment
Reliable and secure way to settle your bills and fast payments. Just create an account to manage and pay your bills online with TNN
Data/Airtime Topup
Our airtime & data top-up service allows you to send mobile credit to any mobile network. You can buy instant airtime for family and friends where you want, when you want.
_Experience Digital Banking on TNN Mobile Banking_
Easy, Secure Payments and Transfers